How Much Does Wisdom Tooth Surgery Cost in Singapore? (2024)



Dentist analysing wisdom tooth placement to determine wisdom tooth surgery cost.


Wisdom tooth surgery costs in Singapore can vary depending on several factors, including the number of teeth that need to be removed, the complexity of the procedure, the experience of the dental professional performing the procedure, and the type of anesthesia used. 


If you have been recommended wisdom tooth surgery by your clinician, this article can help you break down the fair cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore. 



Wisdom tooth surgery cost in Singapore


Based on most clinics in Singapore, the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore can range from SGD 800 to SGD 2,000 per tooth. However, the cost can be higher if the procedure is more complex or requires general anesthesia. 


Many patients ask me why the cost of wisdom tooth surgery is so expensive in Singapore. This are some of the reasons why: 


  • High operating costs: Dental clinics in Singapore have high operating costs due to the country’s high cost of living, which includes rent, utilities, and labor costs. These costs are passed on to patients through higher fees.
  • Advanced technology and equipment: Dental clinics in Singapore invest heavily in advanced technology and equipment to provide patients with the best possible care. These investments can be costly and contribute to higher fees.
  • Experienced dental professionals: Wisdom tooth surgery is a complex procedure that requires a high level of skill and experience to perform successfully. In Singapore, dental professionals with more experience may charge higher fees for their services.
  • Anesthesia and medication costs: The cost of anesthesia and medication used during the procedure can be significant, especially if general anesthesia is required.
  • Post-operative care: The cost of post-operative care, such as follow-up appointments and cleaning, can add to the overall cost of the procedure.


While the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore may be higher than in other countries, patients can often expect to receive high-quality care from experienced and skilled dental professionals. Additionally, some clinics may offer financing options or package deals to help patients manage the cost of the procedure. Find out more about our financing options here



Wisdom tooth surgery cost breakdown in Singapore


To help you understand the costs of wisdom tooth surgery, I have created a quick  breakdown of the potential costs associated with wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore:


  • Consultation fees: The cost of an initial consultation with a dental professional can range from SGD 30 to SGD200, depending on the clinic.
  • X-rays: Before the procedure, X-rays may be required to evaluate the position of the wisdom teeth and determine the best course of action. The cost of X-rays can range from SGD 50 to SGD 150.
  • Procedure fees: The cost of the actual procedure can range from SGD 800 to SGD 2,000 per tooth, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the experience of the dental professional performing it.
  • Anesthesia fees: The cost of anesthesia can vary depending on the type of anesthesia used. Local anesthesia is typically less expensive than general anesthesia, which may require an anesthesiologist and additional monitoring. The cost of anesthesia can range from SGD 100 to SGD 800.
  • Post-operative care: After the procedure, patients may need to schedule follow-up appointments for check-ups and cleaning. The cost of post-operative care can range from SGD 50 to SGD 150 per visit.


It’s important to note that the above costs are estimates and may vary depending on the individual’s needs and the clinic. Additionally, some clinics may offer package deals or financing options to help patients manage the cost of the procedure. Patients are encouraged to clarify all potential costs with their dental professional before undergoing the procedure.



Should I go to Singapore or Malaysia for my wisdom tooth surgery to lower wisdom tooth surgery costs?


If you are contemplating between Singapore or Malaysia or any other country for your wisdom tooth procedure, here are some factors that might be meaningful to you.


Whilst both Singapore and Malaysia have a reputation for providing high-quality dental care, and have dental clinics that specialize in wisdom tooth surgery, there are some differences between the two countries that you may want to consider when making your decision.


  • Cost: Generally speaking, the cost of dental procedures in Malaysia is lower than in Singapore. If cost is a major consideration, you may want to consider going to Malaysia for your wisdom tooth surgery.
  • Accessibility: Singapore is a more accessible location for many international travelers due to its extensive transportation network and cosmopolitan atmosphere. However, Malaysia also has many international airports and is relatively easy to access.
  • Language: In Singapore, English is the primary language, which may be more comfortable for some patients who are not fluent in other languages. In Malaysia, the primary language is Malay, although English is also widely spoken.
  • Availability of dental professionals: Both Singapore and Malaysia have highly qualified dental professionals, but you may want to do some research to find a dental professional with the experience and expertise you need for your specific procedure.
  • Travel and accommodation: Depending on where you are traveling from, you may need to factor in the cost and logistics of travel and accommodation. The cost of both travel and accommodation can add up to your overall bill.
  • Reputation and reviews: Before choosing a dental professional, it is important to do your research and read reviews from other patients. Look for testimonials and ratings from trusted sources, such as independent review sites and professional organizations.
  • Insurance coverage: If you have dental insurance, you may want to check to see which procedures are covered and whether there are any restrictions on where you can receive treatment.
  • Procedure complexity: If your wisdom tooth surgery is particularly complex, you may want to choose a dental professional with extensive experience and specialized training. In some complex cases, you might be required to travel back and forth for your procedure.


The decision of where to go for your wisdom tooth surgery depends on your individual needs and preferences. It is important to do your research and consult with dental professionals in both countries to determine which option is best for you.



Should I go to a cheaper dentist for my wisdom tooth surgery? 


When it comes to wisdom tooth surgery, cost should not be the only factor that you consider. It’s important to choose a dental clinic that is reputable, experienced, and uses modern equipment and techniques. 


While this might not be true for all cheaper dental clinics, going to a cheap dental clinic may save you money in the short term, but it could lead to complications and higher costs in the long run.


Here are some potential risks of going to a cheap dental clinic for wisdom tooth surgery:


  1. Poor-quality treatment: Cheap dental clinics may cut corners on materials, equipment, and staff training to keep costs low. This can result in poor-quality treatment that may not fully address the issue or may cause complications.
  2. Lack of expertise: Experienced dental professionals with specialized training in wisdom tooth surgery may charge higher fees due to their expertise. A cheap dental clinic may not have the necessary expertise to perform the procedure properly, which can increase the risk of complications.
  3. Outdated equipment and techniques: Wisdom tooth surgery requires specialized equipment and techniques to ensure a successful outcome. Cheap dental clinics may use outdated equipment or techniques, which can result in longer healing times and a higher risk of complications.
  4. Lack of follow-up care: Proper aftercare is essential for a successful recovery from wisdom tooth surgery. Cheap dental clinics may not provide adequate follow-up care, which can lead to complications and delayed healing.


Read more on why it might not be a good idea to head to a cheaper dental clinic for wisdom tooth surgery. 



Commonly asked questions about the cost of wisdom tooth surgery


Does the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore vary depending on the dental professional performing the procedure?

Yes, the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore can vary depending on the experience and qualifications of the dental professional performing the procedure. Generally, more experienced dental professionals may charge higher fees for their services. At Elite Dental Group, we believe in transparent and fair pricing. 

Will insurance or Medisave cover the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore?

The cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore may be partially or fully covered by dental insurance, depending on the individual’s insurance policy and coverage. Patients are advised to check with their insurance provider to determine their coverage and out-of-pocket costs.

Are there any financing options available to help cover the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore?

Some dental clinics in Singapore may offer financing options or payment plans to help patients manage the cost of the procedure. Patients are encouraged to discuss their options with their dental professional and choose a plan that best fits their needs and budget.

Does the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore vary depending on the type of anesthesia used?

Yes, the cost of wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore may vary depending on the type of anesthesia used during the procedure. General anesthesia is typically more expensive than local anesthesia, as it requires a higher level of expertise and additional monitoring.

Are there any additional costs associated with wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore?

In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, there may be additional costs associated with wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore, such as consultation fees, X-rays, and post-operative care. Patients are advised to clarify all potential costs with their dental professional before undergoing the procedure.



In a nutshell

Wisdom tooth surgery does not have to be expensive. There are many dental clinics in Singapore who offer reasonably priced wisdom tooth surgery services. While cost is certainly an important factor to consider, it should not be the only factor. It is important to choose a reputable dental clinic with experienced professionals, modern equipment and techniques, and a commitment to providing excellent care and follow-up. This may require paying more upfront, but it can save you money and discomfort in the long run by avoiding complications and ensuring a successful outcome.

Dr Gerald Tan