Privacy Policy: Keeping Your Patient Data Safe | Elite Dental Group
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What is PDPA?


The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) protects your personal data while enabling organisations to use your data to provide a service. At Elite Dental Group, your privacy is important to us. We maintain strict confidentiality of all personal information collected.



Elite Dental Group may collect, use and or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:


  • Registration at your first appointment
  • Recommending you suitable dental treatment
  • Maintaining contact with you when necessary
  • Liaising with other medical health care providers regarding your dental and medical treatment
  • Any other purposes deemed relevant and necessary to your dental treatment
  • Liaising with allied healthcare partners whom are relevant to the dental services we provide



Elite Dental Group may also send you marketing material such as monthly newsletters and dental promotions. If you wish to stop receiving such materials from us, you may unsubscribe by sending us an email at



If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



What is NEHR?


Since 2011, Singapore has introduced a secure system called the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) for both public and private healthcare. The NEHR collects summary patient health information across different healthcare providers to support the “One Patient, One Heath Record” vision for Singapore. This will allow authorised healthcare professionals to have a holistic view of your healthcare history.



What information is stored in the NEHR?


NEHR stores information such as:


  • Admission and visit history
  • Patient demographics
  • Discharge summaries
  • Laboratory test results
  • Radiology results
  • Medication history
  • History of surgeries or procedures done
  • Allergies and adverse drug reactions
  • Immunisations



Are my dental records available in the NEHR?


Yes, you are automatically included in the NEHR.



Can I opt out of the NEHR?


Yes. Please click here for more information.



Who can access my records on the NEHR?


Only authorised healthcare professionals who are providing care to you can access your healthcare records in the NEHR.



How does this affect Elite Dental Group?


Because NEHR participation is mandatory for private dental and medical clinics, Elite Dental Group will be digitalising all patient records over the next few years to be compliant with the law.


For more information, please visit the NEHR website.