Dental Products | Elite Dental Group
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We stock a wide selection of home care products to keep your mouth in top condition in between visits, too many to showcase here in our website.



Here is a selection of our top 3, best selling products:



Philips Sonicare Smart Toothbrush


Dental Products JT FINAL MYDONE1 | Elite Dental Group


Philips Sonicare Smart Toothbrush utilises sonic vibrations (31000 vibrations per minute) for thorough cleaning, healthier gums and whiter teeth. It is gentle enough for children and those with sensitive teeth.


There are 4 models available at Elite Dental:


  • Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean Smart – available only in Space Grey
  • Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean – available in black, white, and pink
  • Philips Sonicare Smart for Kids – multiple designs available
  • Philips Sonicare Airfloss Pro




BioGaia – Probiotics for maintaining your oral health


Dental Products JT FINAL MYDONE4 | Elite Dental Group


BioGaia ProDentis probiotic lozenges contain beneficial oral bacteria. Introducing good bacteria maintains a healthy oral microbiome which is essential for health.



BioGaia can help to reduce:


  • Gum inflammation
  • Gum disease
  • Bad Breath
  • Stained teeth caused by bacteria
  • Cracked skin at the corners of the mouth
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Post operative oral infections



GC Tooth Mousse and Tooth Mousse Plus


Dental Products JT FINAL MYDONE5 | Elite Dental Group


GC Tooth Mousse contains Recaldent™ helps maintain a neutral oral pH. This is useful for patients at high risk of tooth decay.



Tooth Mousse Plus also contains 900ppm fluoride that boosts the action of Recaldent.



GC Tooth Mousse helps to:


  • Relieve tooth sensitivity
  • Neutralise acid from oral bacteria in plaque, dietary acid or gastric acid (gastric reflux)



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