3 Key Signs You Are Suitable for Root Canal Treatment

Wondering if root canal treatment is suitable for you? 

If you are trying to make a better decision between doing a tooth extraction or root canal treatment, this article has been written to help you decide whether you are a suitable candidate for root canal treatment. 

Key takeaways


  • Definition: Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that saves a tooth that might otherwise need to be removed due to infection or decay.
  • Key Signs: Persistent pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, and swollen gums around a particular tooth. 
  • Suitability: Dependent on the extent of tooth damage and underlying health conditions. It is recommended to consult with a dentist for an accurate assessment.
  • Typical Candidates: Patients with significant tooth decay, infection in the tooth pulp, or injury leading to nerve damage within the tooth.
  • Pre-Consultation Preparation: Before your consultation, gather your dental history and be prepared to discuss your symptoms and concerns to help your dentist make an informed decision.



What is a root canal treatment?


Root canal treatment aims to save your natural tooth that has been badly damaged or infected. 

The treatment effectively prevents the need for a tooth extraction. If you take up root canal treatment, you retain your original tooth instead of extracting the tooth and replacing it with dental implants. 

Root canal treatment removes the infected or inflamed pulp, cleans and disinfects the insides of the tooth then fills and seals it to prevent further inflammation. It helps remove deep dental decay or damage caused by bacteria infecting the pulp of the tooth. 

Book an appointment for root canal treatment.

What are some common signs that I might need root canal treatment?


The following are a list of common signs that you might require a root canal treatment


  • Persistent pain or discomfort in tooth

Persistent pain in your tooth is a clear sign that something is wrong. If you find yourself reaching for over-the-counter painkillers to find pain relief from a toothache, it could indicate a tooth infection or damage to the nerve of your tooth. 

Such continuous discomfort should not be ignored. It is crucial to consult a dentist, as this persistent pain can often be a signal that you’re in need of a root canal treatment.

The importance of seeking dental advice cannot be overstressed. Ignoring the pain might lead to more severe problems down the line. Remember, early detection and treatment can save your tooth and prevent further complications.


  • Pain when eating or brushing past teeth 

If you are experiencing pain when eating or touching your teeth, it could be a sign of severe tooth decay or nerve damage. 

As the pulp is dying, the ligament around the root tip of an infected tooth can become hypersensitive. Waste products from the dying pulp can irritate the ligament. This causes pain from the pressure of biting. This might warrant a root canal treatment especially if the sensitivity persists over time. 


  • Continued sensitivity to hot and cold 

Another tell-tale sign is experiencing sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. If sipping on a hot cup of tea or enjoying an ice cream causes prolonged discomfort, it is possible that there is nerve damage or decay that needs addressing. While it is normal for teeth to be briefly sensitive to extreme temperatures, lingering sensitivity is a red flag.

Severe or prolonged temperature sensitivity should prompt you to seek dental advice. Only a professional can determine if the cause of your discomfort requires root canal treatment or if there’s another underlying issue at play.


  • Tooth discolouration

A significant change in the colour of your tooth, particularly darkening, can indicate underlying issues such as damage or decay within. This discolouration often means that the problem has advanced beyond superficial stains and may require intervention from within the tooth itself.

If you notice any changes in the colour of your teeth, especially if one becomes noticeably darker than its neighbours, consulting with a dentist is wise. They can evaluate whether root canal treatment is necessary to address the internal issues causing this discolouration.


  • Persistent tenderness or swelling of gums

Swelling, tenderness, or recurring pimples on your gums around a specific tooth are not only uncomfortable but could also be signs pointing towards the need for a root canal treatment. These gum issues often accompany other symptoms like pain and sensitivity, forming a pattern that dentists look for when diagnosing potential root canal cases.

Should you experience any abnormalities with your gums—especially if these symptoms persist—it is highly recommended to see a dentist promptly. Addressing these issues early can prevent more serious conditions from developing.


  • Chipped or cracked tooth

A chipped or cracked tooth is often caused by dental trauma sustained in an accident, a contact sport or by chewing on something hard. Bacteria can set in and cause inflammation and infection if you have a chipped or cracked tooth that is not sealed up. 


In some cases, it is possible to injure your tooth with no visible chips or cracks. The nerves of the tooth can get damaged, and become inflamed. This can lead to pain and sensitivity, which may require root canal treatment. 


  • Teeth mobility 

Infected teeth can loosen over time. It might become shaky and loose to the touch. 


Looser teeth can be caused by many factors besides nerve death, but is often a sign that you might require root canal treatment. 


Waste products from nerve death can soften the bone around the root of a dying tooth. Should more than one tooth feel loose, then you might require more than root canal treatment.

How do I know whether I am suitable for root canal treatment?


You are likely suitable for a root canal treatment if you have the following conditions: 


  • Do you experience any of the typical symptoms? 


If you are wondering whether you’re a candidate for root canal treatment, certain symptoms can guide your assessment. 

Persistent tooth pain is a red flag. It might come and go or be present only under specific conditions, such as eating hot or cold foods. 

Sensitivity to temperature changes, lasting longer than normal after the source of heat or cold is removed, also suggests underlying issues.

Look out for discolouration of a tooth, which could indicate nerve damage beneath the surface. 

Lastly, gum issues, including swelling, tenderness, or bumps near the affected tooth, are crucial signs. Monitoring these symptoms closely can provide valuable insights into your dental health.

Early consultation with a dentist is essential if any items on this checklist apply to you. This proactive approach helps prevent further complications and ensures timely treatment.


  • Do you have recurring problems with a particular tooth? 


Your past dental work plays a significant role in determining your suitability for root canal treatment. Recurring problems with a previously treated tooth might suggest the need for more intensive care this time around. If you’ve had fillings, crowns, or other procedures that didn’t fully resolve an issue, it’s worth discussing root canal treatment as a potential solution.

Injuries to teeth, even those that occurred years ago, can affect their current health. A blow to the mouth might not cause immediate problems but can lead to complications over time. Keeping a detailed record of such incidents and sharing them with your dentist can aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.


  • Have you visited a dental professional for a proper diagnosis?


Despite recognising signs that might point towards needing a root canal, only a professional can make an accurate diagnosis. Self-diagnosis often leads to incorrect assumptions about your dental health and could delay necessary treatment. This highlights the importance of regular dental check-ups.

Consultations allow dentists to use specialised tools and techniques to assess your oral health comprehensively. They can spot potential issues early on and recommend the best course of action based on their findings. Scheduling regular visits ensures that even subtle signs of trouble don’t go unnoticed.

How do I prepare for my root canal treatment consultation?


Document all symptoms and dental injury history


Before your consultation, it is wise to keep a detailed record of your dental symptoms. 

Note their duration and how severe they are. This step is crucial. It helps your dentist understand the extent of the issue.

Also, jot down any triggers that worsen your pain or sensitivity. For example, does consuming hot or cold beverages cause discomfort? This information is vital for a thorough dental assessment.

Bring these notes to your appointment. They will enable a more accurate diagnosis.

Your past dental injuries can play a significant role in your current need for treatment. If you’ve experienced trauma to your teeth, be vigilant about changes in your dental health.

It is important to inform your dentist about any previous injuries during your consultation. These details can influence the likelihood of needing root canal treatment.


Prepare a list of questions to ask your dentist


During your consultation, having a list of questions ready can be very helpful. Consider asking about:

  • The risks and benefits of root canal treatment.
  • Alternatives to this procedure.
  • Expected outcomes and success rates.
  • Aftercare and follow-up appointments.

Asking these questions will give you a clearer understanding of what to expect. It also ensures you’re well-informed about your treatment options.


Leave some time for recovery


After your root canal, expect some recovery time. Most people experience mild soreness or discomfort for a few days. This is normal and manageable with over-the-counter pain relief.

Your dentist will give specific post-procedure care instructions. Following these closely helps ensure a smooth recovery. Generally, you can return to your daily activities the next day. However, avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of days to minimise swelling.

If pain persists or worsens, contact your dentist immediately.


Follow all aftercare tips and instructions


Proper aftercare is vital for lasting results from your root canal treatment. The following are some quick instructions: 

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and flossing.
  • Avoid hard or chewy foods in the first few days after treatment.
  • Attend all follow-up visits to monitor healing progress.

For pain management, use medications as prescribed by your dentist. Also, applying a cold compress can reduce swelling and discomfort.

Are root canal treatments painful? 


Root canal treatments are not meant to be painful. 

This is especially so if they are done by experienced dentists with precise dental equipment. They are meant to relieve pain from an infected tooth. 

While root canal treatments are often thought to be one of the most painful dental procedures, they are not. With modern pain management techniques and tools, the discomfort you experience from root canal treatment is just like with any other dental treatment. 

At Elite Dental Group, we use a wide variety of modern pain management techniques to reduce the pain and stress that you might experience during treatment. 

Book an appointment with gentle dentists for root canal treatment.

You are suitable for root canal treatment if you do not have severe structural damage to the root of your tooth or surrounding bone. 


Root canal treatment is a great way of restoring your natural tooth. 

It can help preserve your original tooth and prevent the need for costly treatments like dental implants down the road. Root canal treatment can also prevent tooth loss from a tooth extraction. Your natural tooth is always the best tooth to have. 

You are suitable for root canal treatment if the root of your tooth and surrounding bone structures are not severely damaged or infected. 

The best way to assess your suitability for root canal treatment is to consult with your preferred dentist. The dentist will evaluate your condition and discuss treatment pros and cons, potential treatment alternatives, and ensure that you are fully informed. Taking early action can help you save your natural tooth and prevent expensive dental treatments

If you suspect you might need a root canal or are experiencing dental discomfort, reach out immediately to a dental professional. They can provide personalised advice and guide you through your options based on their expertise. Early intervention can help you save your teeth and money. 

Find out whether you are suitable for root canal treatment.

Dr Thira Wong